Sunday 23 May 2010

Super Simple Sun Safety

Why am I seeing so many lobsters this weekend? With so many sunscreen products out there (Pssst... you can get some good ones from Poundland. Only £1 to be protected from wrinkles, burns and skin cancer!)  there is no excuse to be barbecuing yourself in the sun! It takes only a couple of seconds to apply sunscreen. If you're not sure what spf you need, get the highest! It's that simple!

Speaking of simple, Simple have a lovely product called Sun Sensitive Protecting Facial Hydrolotion, which is a sunscreen and moisturiser combo with sunflower extract. This is particularly useful as a lot of sunscreens are unsuitable to be used on the face whereas this can be used on your face even if you have sensitive skin!

Apply this to your face and not only will you be protected from the sun's harmful rays but you'll have nice soft skin. If you wish, mix some of this with a little foundation to make a light tinted moisturiser that is perfect for the summer.

Right now there is bogof on selected Simple suncare at Boots but for a limited time only!!

Stay safe and enjoy the rest of the weekend!



  1. yes! sunscreen is so important, to avoid ruining your lovely skin, and if you really want a little glow, there are sunless tanners with sunscreen in them!

  2. I agree Michelle. Better to be safe than sorry x

  3. its going good, except i think ive kinda let go today, the weather was just too hot to go walking oh my gosh.. i always wear spf50 when its sunny, but it does feel yucky on your face :/ prevention rather than cure :) x

  4. This post reminds me I need to wear sunscreen more often :)

  5. Ah, your so right its so important, especially with preventing old age :) x

  6. i just heard a disturbing report on the news, that sunscreen actually might cause skin cancer!! just 2 minutes ago!

    hope it's not true!

  7. Hi Maria! I heard about this too. You can get natural sunscreen if you have a look online. Try:
    :) x

  8. sunscreen really is so important! I never get why people refuse to use it

  9. Very good post. What people seem to forget is that all that sun exposure when your young shows up as sun damage when you are older.

  10. i agree! i was at the beach yesterday and saw so many girls baking in the sun. some of them were so tan already you would think it was august and they had laid out for the entire summer!

    i love your blog. i'm now following you!

  11. hey hun, i'm having a blog sale on my blog so feel free to check it out =)


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