Wednesday 5 May 2010

Remember, remember, the 6th of May!

O.K. that didn't rhyme at all. What I'm trying to say is that tomorrow is an important day. It is the very day that women (more specifically, the Suffragettes) fought for decades ago. It is the day when your vote counts! Including all the ladies out there! Every single one of you! (Providing you are at least 18 of course)

Many women around the world don't have the option to vote so we are lucky to live in a country that allows us to voice our opinions and have an impact in the society we live in. Equal pay, equal education rights, equal job opportunities, as well as organisations set up for women who are living with domestic abuse or rape. These are just a few luxuries our Government has granted us because us women were allowed to voice our opinions and tell them what we want!

Whoever you're voting for, make sure you vote tomorrow!



  1. Thank you for your comment. :) Well it is the same company that makes the palettes for e.g. Coastal Scents - so they have the same ingredients. The price is just so low because no company put their label on it to make profit.
    You can find reviews about these palettes at youtube, just search 88 palette review. :)

  2. Thanks for letting me know! I'll keep an eye out for one in the uk x


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