Sunday 25 April 2010

Study tips for students


I know I haven't been writing a lot recently! As much as I wanted to write about flowers, cupcakes and rainbows, I have been so busy with a bunch of assignments. I am sure many of you are also busy with assignments and revision since it's coming towards the end of term so here are some tips that might help you get all your studying done more efficiently and with as little stress as possible.

Planning your session
  • On a calendar or diary, plan ahead what you need to do each day. Instead of writing just the name of the subject, write down what topic you want to cover that day. It is even better to split up your day into different study session eg for that particular day, you can write Subject A topic X from 11am-2pm, Subject B Topic Y 3pm-6pm etc.
  • Plan your breaktimes: a short break within the session and a longer break between sessions perhaps?
  • Make a checklist of exactly what you need to study or what you need to cover in your assignment/ essay.
  • Let others at home know that you have a lot of work to do so that they can make sure to keep the noise down and not disturb you.
  • Make sure that you find a room that you can work in comfortably. If you are a neat-freak like me, you might be more comfortable doing work in a neat room so tidy up.
  • Is your seat comfy? Need any cushions? How about some lovely air freshener or scented oils?
  • Eat and drink well before you study so that any rumbles in your tumble won't distract you from your studies. Drink some coffee if your brain is sleepy.
  • Get all your resources ready: any books, handouts, stationary .etc. Make sure that your handouts are well organised so that you can find what you need with as little stress possible.
  • If you need the computer, try and not have any websites you don't need open, even if they are in the background. And, yes, this includes Facebook!

During the study session:

  • Keep an eye on the time. If you are wasting too much time on one area, leave it one side and go back to it in the end.
  • If you are done with any handouts, keep them in a separate pile. It will make finding other handouts easier, the workload will seem less daunting and it will motivate you to keep working.
  • Be strict with your breaktimes so that you don't have one too early or too long. It will motivate you to do your work knowing you can have a break afterwards.
  • If you become distracted by, for example, the sound of an ice cream van, shake it off and carry on.
  • Keep reminding yourself why you need to do this. You wouldn't want to resit modules or have a job you won't like.

After the study session:
  • Cross out anything you have done from your checklist. If there is anything you have missed out, try and get it done.
  • If you have exams, test yourself. Anything you get wrong or have missed out, write down on a new sheet of paper or on notecards. These are the things you need to focus on. Don't waste your time relearning things you already know.
  • Take a break. Watch tv or whatever you like to wind down. Maybe eat a cupcake.

Do you have any tips for successful studying?

Good luck!



  1. really helpful... just in the middle of preparing for 2nd year uni exams :( boring and long but has to be done! goodluck for ur exams and assignments!!

    with regards to the sally hansen airbrush leg spray...i agree with u - socks and open-toe shoes is not a good luck!! erm cons would be...i guess when u apply it don't wear any clothing for about 1-3mins to be on the safe side that it doesnt stain ur clothes while its still wet

    and apart from that no cons to be honest! i actually LOVE the product!!

    thanks for taking the time to comment!!


  2. Hi Emma!

    I'm glad you found my tips helpful.
    Thanks, good luck to you too!

    That's nice of you to reply about the Sally Hansen spray. It's a good price so I think I'll try it. Thanks a lot for the advice X

  3. This is helpful! Thankyou, uhh now i have to go and study :( xx

  4. No problem at all. I'm very glad to help. Good luck on your exams! :) x

  5. Thanks for this blog, it's great! x


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