Monday 27 September 2010

Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink!

You'd think living in the West would have its privileges like say clean water. But then why is it that I cannot drink any water without it being polluted in some way.

I've always thought that our tap water here is disgusting. It tastes really weird especially when left out a few minutes. Then I found out that our tap water, as well as the tap water of many across the globe, is polluted with crap such as drugs and hormones that had been excreted by those who drank that same water before you. Not only that but Fluoride is added to the water. Fluoride is known (by very few) to be a cause of many health problems such as damage to the brain and kidneys to name a few. To most it is known to prevent tooth decay, which isn't true. And even if it did prevent tooth decay, who are the Government to force us to have nice teeth?? What next? The dental patrol forcing us to brush our teeth twice a day?

So after doing a lot of research from various sources the past few months, I decided to stop drinking tap water. It tastes crap and it is very bad for me. It was doing more harm than good to my body, in my opinion. From my research I also found that water filters do not filter out fluoride. So my only option was to buy bottled water. Bottled water can be very cheap when you buy the bigger bottles. So that's what I started to do then I recycle the plastic bottles.

I found bottled water a pleasure to drink. It was very light and it lacked the icky metallic taste of tap water. Though it tasted way better than tap water, it does sometimes have a plastic taste. I ignored it for a while until I found out out some plastic bottles contain bisphenol A! BPA (for short) is a synthetic oestrogen, which may increase your chances of getting breast, ovarian or testicular cancer in later life. In younger children it can cause girls to reach puberty too early or abnormal male organ development in boys. In pregnant women it can have an impact in the foetus's neural and behavioural systems due to their weak immunity as well as increasing the chances of miscarriage. It can also make us overweight and cause diabetes!

BPA tends to be in plastics marked with a 3 or a 7. This plastic type number tends to be at the bottom of the bottle. If the bottle does not have this mark, it would be wise to leave it and look for another.

The plastic bottle of the water I get is marked with a 1, which is safe. Though I can't help but worry about the plastic taste of the water so if anyone has any information on this I would be very grateful.

Do you know what is in your tap water? How do you feel about drinking it?


Disclaimer: This article is based on my own opinions, which were influenced by the external links provided. To verify the ideas expressed in this article, please refer to an expert.


  1. I've just read about BPA awhile ago... Honestly, I dislike drinking tap water. It's either naturally dirty or chemically clean.
    It's... disturbing. I like bottle water more!

  2. Wow, thanks for the info. Gosh , I have no idea whats in my drinking water. But we get ours from a distilled water station and so I think it should be clean. :D Bottled water worries me now.

  3. It's great that you girls are watching what you're drinking! Gayle, just look out for the plastic type number on the water bottles. You're pretty much safe if it is not a 3 or a 7 xx


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